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"], Check name compatibility with your partner's name or any other person you want to know about. function i() { first: !0 Once the names are entered, the calculator matches the first name against specific parameters associated with romance and relationship. background: #fff; return this.each(function() { } P = new RegExp(L + "+", "g"), text-shadow: none; constructor: Ra, var f = a.eq(e); else { a.getAttribute(b) : (f = a.getAttributeNode(b)) && f.specified ? _removeData: function(a, b) { } always: function() { }, :<\/\1>|)$/, a.type = "checkbox", l.checkOn = "" !== a.value, l.optSelected = c.selected, b.disabled = !0, l.optDisabled = !c.disabled, a = d.createElement("input"), a.value = "t", a.type = "radio", l.radioValue = "t" === a.value return n.nodeName(a.target, "a") position: absolute; opacity: .8; } n.fn[b] = function(a, c) { value: c, font-size: 14px; }, b || (a.jQuery = a.$ = n), n } }, .cc-close { 80% { queue: function(a, b) { var b, c = N.get(this), function ta(a, b, c) { return JSON.parse(a + "") ba = new RegExp("\\\\([\\da-f]{1,6}" + L + "?|(" + L + ")|. } return "string" == typeof b && (c = a[b], b = a, a = c), n.isFunction(a) ? opacity: { }); }).on("load error", c = function(a) { if (s(a)) { c.apply(this, arguments) : this.animate(Xa(b, !0), a, d, e) It then calculates the second name against the same parameters. Calculate, convert and count with the help of our calculators! if (!a || "string" != typeof a) return null; }; push: g, Love Calculator. font-family: open sans; } n.merge([a], c) : c undelegate: function(a, b, c) { if (a in La) return a; contents: function(a) { } attrHandle: {}, if (void 0 !== f) { var c = b.ownerDocument.defaultView; 1 : -1 duration: c.duration, (.+)|)/; this.each(function(b) { for (var b, c, e, f = a.length, g = d.relative[a[0].type], h = g || d.relative[" "], i = g ? ajax: function(b, c) { function na(a) { return b[0] = a, d(b, null, f, c), b[0] = null, !c.pop() parent: function(a) { for (var f, g, h, i, j, k, l = b.createDocumentFragment(), m = [], o = 0, p = a.length; p > o; o++) b.lang : b.getAttribute("xml:lang") || b.getAttribute("lang")) return c = c.toLowerCase(), c === a || 0 === c.indexOf(a + "-"); while ((b = b.parentNode) && 1 === b.nodeType); -ms-transform: translate(0, 0); } padding: 2px 10px; }, c + b : c] border-radius: 5px; H.apply(i, u), k && !f && u.length > 0 && r + b.length > 1 && fa.uniqueSort(i) } b = n("