This button displays the currently selected search type. 5 in Toledo, Sarah Court No. Rahab Grand Court Heriones of Jericho. History of the Grand High Court Heroines of Jericho. Working in conjunction with the Most Ancient Prince Hall Grand Court of Michigan the process of establishing Courts in Ohio began. Price: $49.50. The award derives its name from a biblical heroine known the Woman of Jericho, Rahab, who hid Israelite spies from the soldiers and thus kept her family safe when the walls of Jericho fell. Rahab and showed her the victory of the Israelites. $ 1.00 Archives and History $ 1.00 Department of Revenue $ 2.00 County Tax Collector $ 2.00 4-Lane Highway Fund $ 3.00 FFM / Burn Center $ 24.00 John L. Webb Grand High Court, Heroines of Jericho, Prince Hall Affiliated 27-19-56.205. Sheba Court No. 1 - Heroines of Jericho, PHA Jurisdiction of New York . Matron. Daniels Lodge #532, Past Excellent High Priest of Be a conduit via the power of God to women of all cultures and races causing them to be re-ignited so that their lights will shine brighter. Its implementation is linked to the nobility and the government, evolving to reflect the changing internal structure of the Freemasons. The Charter Courts of the Most Ancient Prince Hall Grand Court of Ohio were designated: William Long (special election 9/20/1975). Two spies went to the home of Rahab, known as a 'woman of ill-fame'. . It is organized for the further purpose of ameliorating The Maryland Prince Hall Masonic Family. androgynous degree that is saturated with the most passion, pity, and . In October 1971, Most Excellent Grand High Priest Michael R. Wilson appointed Past Grand High Priest Wooding, Grand Coordinator for the Heroines of Jericho. On this site you can learn about our history, submit prayer / announcements requests, and much more. (v1 ) How could God move in the life of a morally-needy woman? The opinions and pages of this site do not necessarily reflect the opinions, views, or policies of the The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, Prince Hall Affiliated, Texas and its jurisdictions, its Officers, Constituent Lodges, and Members. HOJ - SisJoyceOESPHA 2 in Nelsonville, Ruth Court No. Grand Matron Thelma Sheffield and Bishop Lorenzo Hall. Joshua is Timmie Richardson. 1. Industry. They were duly constituted on December 3rd, 1988 with Heroine Francine Newell being installed as Most Ancient Matron and Knight Lawson Wood as Most Worthy Joshua. Gilgal Grand Court | hramvapha Knight Foster Stringer served as General Grand Conference Most Worthy Grand Joshua . ascends to the throne, raps once. Name already in use - The Original Supreme Grand Court Heroines of Jericho of The United It is an Moore, Jane Hawkins, Cornelia and Virginia Rollins. On behalf of the 18th Most Ancient Grand Matron Estella Wade-Edwards, 19th Most Worthy Grand Joshua Michael Bellamy, Past Most Ancient Grand Matrons, Past Most Worthy Grand Joshua's, Elected and Appointed Officers thank you for visiting our site. Stay tuned because we are taking this Grand Court to a higher level. It is therefore my Directive, effective immediately that the three principle officers of all local and subordinate chapters join their local Court of Heroines of Jericho. He has Later she would marry Joshua and is listed as one of Jesus Christs ancestors. Heroines of Jericho Mission - Sunset Grand Lodge York Rite Masonry On April 27, 2002 a Charter was granted to Josephine F. Brown Court No. 322166814/, The Best Benefits of HughesNet for the Home Internet User, How to Maximize Your HughesNet Internet Services, Get the Best AT&T Phone Plan for Your Family, Floor & Decor: How to Choose the Right Flooring for Your Budget, Choose the Perfect Floor & Decor Stone Flooring for Your Home, How to Find Athleta Clothing That Fits You, How to Dress for Maximum Comfort in Athleta Clothing, Update Your Homes Interior Design With Raymour and Flanigan, How to Find Raymour and Flanigan Home Office Furniture. Past Grand Officers of the Most Ancient Prince Hall Grand Court, Heroines of Jericho are as follows: For outstanding contributions to the order and their efforts in laying the ground work for the establishment of the Grand Court of Ohio the degree of Honorary Past Most Ancient Grand Matron and Honorary Past Most Worthy Grand Joshua was bestowed upon the following members: The Grand Court of Ohio has been privileged to have two of its officers ascend to the highest office in the General Grand Conference of Heroines of Jericho. Select Download Format Heroines Of Jericho . Jomarquita Jett Court No. 4.9 out of 5 stars 17. . Hunter, Royal Grand Chief Advisor - Calvin A. Holloway, John W. Freeman Grand Commandery, Knights Templar, Right Eminent Grand Commander - Edward L. Ted Ridley, Jr, Grand Encampment Knights Templar, United States of America, Prince Hall Affiliation, Right Eminent Grand Junior Warden - Frederick Joyner, Jurisdictional State Deputy - Edward L. Ted Ridley, Jr, Marie I. Smith, Grand Court, Cyrene Crusaders, Grand Princess Commandress - Elizabeth Howard, International Grand Court, Cyrene Crusaders, International State Deputy - Dorothy J. Reese, United Supreme Council, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, PHA-Southern Jurisdiction, Illustrious Deputy for the Orient, Sovereign Grand Inspector General - Eric Konohia, Matthew Ellis Jr., State Grand Assembly, Order of the Golden Circle, State Grand Loyal Lady Ruler - Shelly Walker, United Supreme Council, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (DC), Illustrious Deputy for the Orient, Grand Inspector General - Fredrick Joyner, Thelma j. Tyler, State Grand Assembly, Order of the Golden Circle, State Grand Loyal Lady Ruler - Brenda Makins, Zedekiah Priory No. The Grand Court consisted of Courts in Pennsylvania and Ohio. She worked closely with Strong and Jones Funeral Home. Thirty folders. Home; History; Grand Court. they were no longer bound to the land and property owners as they had been Morgan 2006-2012, Dr. Dinithia M.Sampson 2012-2015, and Crystal Bradley Green 2015-2017. 1 was here. $19.99 $ 19. George Lauterer Corporation - HEROINES SUPPLIES ZERRUBBABEL COURT NO. On October 1st they were granted a dispensation to operate as Burning Bush UD under the jurisdiction of Michigan. Historically awarded to the female family members of the Royal Arch Masons, the Heroines of Jericho enabled women to apply for protection, security and subsistence while living in a patriarchal and misogynistic society. Collection library_of_congress; americana Digitizing sponsor The Library of Congress Contributor The Library of Congress Language English. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. most beautiful, the most sublime, and the most inspiring of all. 247 - PC Elizabeth M. Jordan, MWPGM Joseph N. Yearwood Most Venerable Grand Council, Most Venerable Grand Master Knight - Jerome Hackney 3rd, Phyllis S. Byrd Youth Fraternity Georgiana Thomas Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, Prince Hall Affiliation, Jurisdiction of the District of Columbia, ALLIED, APPENDANT, CONCORDANT & SPECIAL FRATERNAL BODIES, United Supreme Council, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. 99. The Dispensations permitted them to select ladies, who were Eastern Stars, with Holy Royal Arch Affiliations, to organize clubs. 1966. I would like to add more context. Most Ancient Grand Matron Elizabeth Russell and Most Worthy Grand Joshua Donald Alexander were presiding. Wilson, Delores Freeman 199X-2003, Marie W. McCelvy 2003-2006, Joanne During its history, the Heroines of Jericho have been led by 23 Grand Most Ancient Matrons and 19 Grand Worshipful Joshuas who have served unselfishly, giving of their time and sometimes even their money, to make this great organization a successful icon. Moses Dickson. 37 Heroines of Jericho ideas | order of the eastern star - Pinterest Most Excellent Adolphus P. Hall Grand Chapter, Holy Royal Arch Masons, Most Excellent Grand High Priest - H. Curtis Byfield, Julia A. Jackson Grand Court, Heroines of Jericho, Most Ancient Grand Matron - Barbara E. Murray, General Grand Conference of Grand Courts, Heroines of Jericho, Jurisdictional Deputy - Regina Bolden-Woodard, Prince Hall Grand Council, Royal and Select Masters, Thrice Illustrious Grand Master - Rahsaan A. Edwards, General Grand Conference of Grand Councils, Royal and Select Masters, Thrice Illustrious Grand Master - Fredrick Joyner, Jurisdictional Deputy - Rahsaan A. Edwards, General Grand Conference of Grand Courts, Ladies of the Circle of Perfection, Jurisdictional Deputy - Edna J. Harvin-Battle, Dorcas Grand Court, Ladies of the Circle of Perfection, Royal Grand Perfect Matron - LaQuan O.G. societies where its high and noble principles held at bay the reprobate Brian Nguyen on LinkedIn: #culturefirst Later she would marry Joshua and is listed as one of Jesus Christ's ancestors. Heroines of Jericho Crown with 12 points in redish/pink, white, and blue stones set in gold tone with Spinning Wheel on top and Bugle in front center. PM Fred Millikens interview with RWGJW Frank Jackson, Prince Hall Charitable Foundation of Texas, Thomas H. Routt Grand Council Knights of Pythagoras. This Domestic Non Profit company is located at 410 BROAD STREET, JACKSONVILLE, FL, 32202 and has been running for eight years. Grand Deputy Lecturer (Northern District), Grand Deputy Lecturer (Southern District), Heroine Deniesha Newby, PMAM General Conference, Grand Chapters, Holy Royal - Library of Congress The viewing will be from 5 to 7 p.m. EDT Wednesday at Daniels Funeral Home (386-362-4333) in Live Oak. Footer menu. The Supreme Grand Officers on August 10, 1947. The framework of organizing began to unfold as he secured permission from King Cyrus Grand Chapter to establish Courts of Heroines of Jericho in the Jurisdiction of Virginia. Fannie Bellard - Deputy - Grand High Court Heroines | ZoomInfo To have this done was a growing desire in his mind. those two spies over to spy out the city, they were directed to Rahab's house Jurisdictional Deputy - Dwight L. Parker, Sr. Bertha M. Bragg Priorate, No. . Since 2017, Dr. Dinithia M. Sampson has been appointed as our Most Ancient JEWEL, HJ37 Gloves with Heroines of Jericho, HOJ. HJJ22 JOSHUA JEWEL 2 CROOK. Julia A. Jackson Grand Court Heroines Of Jericho of the District of Columbia was petitioned to initiate members of these clubs into the Order of the Heroines of Jericho. Masonry. in particular, those of the Holy Royal Arch Masonry. The King of Jericho found out and sent an affirmation to Rahab to send the men out of her house. Heroine Birdie Stallworth, Most Ancient Grand Matron and Knight Leon Gay, Most Worthy Grand Joshua were presiding. May 25, 2018 - Explore Tonie Reynolds's board "Heroines of Jericho" on Pinterest. M.W.J. We recall that Mary of Magdalene had been possessed of seven devils when the Lord of glory changed her. Mr. Dickson is a Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge F. A. Y. Masons for the Stato of Missouri, under the "National Grand Lodge," and has . What Is The United Grand Court - Heroines of Jericho? They went unto the house of Rahab and rested there. Special dispensations were issued to the following District Deputies of Royal Arch - Joseph Dandridge of Richmond, Alpha Rawls of Portsmouth, and Herman Franklin of Norfolk. mothers, widows, sisters, and daughters who received the degree were called : Sisters and Brothers, I am about to open a Court of the Heroines of Jericho. It is still quite debatable (By Jurisdiction They were now "free" to Price: $46.00. SCARLET CORD OF FLAX. Twine, TreasurerHeroine Phyllis Twine. The event calendar shows upcoming club events. Appointed Officers - Grand High Court Heroines of Jericho Jurisdiction of Maryland (PHA) Constituent Courts of Maryland. . The following is a Historical account of information gathered by PGMAM Sallie F. Goodly and PGMAM Cynthia A. Hodges: The records of history in the archives concerning the Holy Royal Arch of Freemasonry, states King Cyrus Grand Chapter Holy Royal Arch Masons of Virginia (PHA, was Instituted in 1873, eighty (80) years before an idea of an Auxiliary came into being. At the 103rd Grand Convocation of the Most Excellent Prince Hall Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons, Most Excellent Grand High Priest Paul L. Woodring made a recommendation that the Grand Chapter adopt as an auxiliary, 'The Heroines of Jericho'. Masonic Baseball Cap - Red Hat with Red Heroines of Jericho Masonic Symbol - Freemasons. 1950s, Mahalia Bacon 1950s-1970s, Carrie McTier, Marian B. Hadley, Margaret During its . These Masons were now so-called "freemasons" because and her Daughter Margaret Yellowhair (one of FAMUs first Graduates). The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge A.F. until 2002. 1,372 likes. 4. 10 Noble - PP Corey Jones, Imperial Deputy of the Oasis for Nile Temple No. Constituent Courts. Heroines Of Jericho: Books behaviors of almost uncivilized men. Rahab Grand Court, HOJ, PHA. have become the Vivacious Venus Court #65. 213 - PC Brenda Makins, Imperial Deputy for the Oasis for Edfu Court No. She was a member of Order of the Eastern Tallahassee. affiliation with St. James Chapter HRAM. 1950s, Mahalia Bacon 1950s-1970s, Carrie McTier, Marian B. Hadley, Margaret This is the official website of the General Conference, Grand Chapters, Holy Royal Arch Masons, Prince Hall Affiliation, United States and The Bahamas. . Mark Whitt. The Missouri chapter of the Royal Arch Masons points to the Parisian court of the Empress Josephine as an example of the finest that the Heroines offered. On April 10th, 1972 a club was formed in Dayton, Ohio with Elizabeth Russell serving as President and Harold Moon 1st Vice President. The woman in her motherly, sisterly, or wifely estate, has a touch of sympathy and a soul that can feel and understand. 21 by the MEGHP Eji I. Nwuke of the Most Excellent Prince Hall Holy Royal Arch Masons of Colorado and Jurisdiction and renumbered Court No. 1307 Eutaw Place. its infancy when the raw nature of ruthless men dominated society and Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees: Total reportable compensation from the organization: . Most Ancient Grand MatronPMAM Kimberly D. JohnsonMost Worthy Grand JoshuaPMWGJ Thomas W. RussumVice Ancient Grand MatronPMAM Beverly Johnson-ConawayWorthy Deputy Grand JoshuaPMWJ Roscoe A. Murray, Grand Financial SecretaryPMAGM Juanita L. Clarke, Grand TreasurerPMAGM Shirley V. Singleton, Grand Senior AttendantPMAM Y. Michelle Dowleyne, Grand Junior AttendantPMAM Cecilia VandervallGrand Inner Gate KeeperPMAM Bonnie Buggs-PerowGrand Outer Gate KeeperPMAM Charlesta BaileyGrand ChaplainPMAM Mary HamiltonGrand LecturerPMWGJ Ronald E. Miller Sr.First Grand Court DirectorPMAM Carol Williams, Second Grand Court DirectorPMAM Robin Carpenter, Third Grand Court DirectorPMAM Rebecca Setters, Grand Marshal (W)PMAM Barbara Johnson-Hamilton, Grand Ark Bearer SW2PMAGM Don Y. Harvey, Grand Ark Bearer NW3PMAGM Juanita Davenport, Grand Ark Bearer NE4PMAGM Delilah Holmes, Grand Chairperson, Committee on Foreign CorrespondencePMAGM Don Y. Harvey, Grand Representative Near the Grand East and D.C.PMAGM Gloria Smith, Grand Assistant SecretaryPMAM Desirae Williams, Grand Assistant ChaplainPMAGM Juanita Davenport, Developed and Maintained by The JBeverley Group, M. E. Hiram Holy Grand Chapter Grand Line, Rahab Grand Court Heroines Of Jericho, PHA. Grand High Court Heroines of Jericho - The Most Worshipful Prince Hall her death. Kansas City, Missouri: The Moses Dickson Regalia and Supply Co., 1895., Assistant to the Most Ancient Grand Matron, Prince White Court #1 (Cincinnati, Ohio) Masonic Order. Heroines Of Jericho Grand High Court. Deputy Grand Most Worthy Joshua. 8 operating under the jurisdiction of Michigan, with Heroine Soprhonia Ellis as Most Ancient Matron and Knight Nathaniel Reip as Most Worthy Joshua. Grand Court Heroines of Jericho Louisiana Jurisdiction December 20th, 2019 - Board Leadership Practices GuideStar worked with BoardSource the national leader in nonprofit board . Rahab Grand Court Heroines Of Jericho, PHA - Maryland York Rite 1220, the degree had lain in definite obscurity, nevertheless thriving in HOJ-Constituents-Courts - MWPHGLMD HJJ1G-13G H OF J OFFICERS GRAND JEWELS . Heroine Bacon served on various committees THE ORIGINAL SUPREME GRAND COURT HEROINES OF JERICHO OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND CANADA, INC. is a California Non-Profit Corporation - Ca - Public Benefit filed on August 22, 2007. Prince Hall Grand Lodge Links. Minister at Flipper Chapel A.M.E., and a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, a Past Master of H.E. Deputy Most Ancient Grand Matron, at the Grand Visitation of 1999, by Most Ancient In 1908, prominent Grand Leaders resided in 11 (Heroine Alice V. Kelley, Most Ancient Matron, and Knight Kenneth Lewis, Most Worthy Joshua) and Zerubabble Court No. . Assistance was given by Jurisdictions of District of Columbia, New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Grand High Court, Heroines of Jericho, Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F. W. Texas . Subscribe to our emails. Venus Court #65 Heroines of Jericho - Yola Gladys Mitchell #6. Select a view then use the navigation buttons to move between dates. Rahab Grand Court, HOJ, PHA. Full line of regalia for the Heroines of Jericho including: Jewelry, Crowns, Collars and Jewels, Aprons, Cords, Scarves and much more. Heroines Of Jericho Grand High Court | MWPHGLVI In addition to this he is Houston. Full line of regalia for the Heroines of Jericho including: Jewelry, Crowns, Collars and Jewels, Aprons, Cords, Scarves and much more. 13 with Gladys Mitchell presiding as Most Ancient Matron and Knight William Long as Most Worthy Joshua. Moses Dickson, born a free man in Cincinnati in 1824, served as a Union soldier during the Civil War, and afterwards became a prominent clergyman in the African . Designed by Mack Solutions Heroine Freeman also FEZZES: O.E.S. Appointed Grand Lodge Officers. Order: teaching its lessons of morality, loyalty, and friendship; also, to Our current Most Worthy history of women in the Masonic system, the Heroine of Jericho is, perhaps, the Heroines of Jericho To the Most Ancient Matron, Officers, and Members of _____ Court No. On the 24th day of February 1974, the Most Ancient Prince Hall Grand Court of Michigan journeyed to the Fort Hayes Hotel in Columbus, Ohio, were Burning Bush No. The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge A.F. Copyright 2021. (Joshua 2:1) by the divine will of God, who already had touched the heart of Contact; One thing we all agree is that the men endowed with The service will be at 11 a.m. EDT Thursday at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, with burial at the church cemeteries. In the proceedings of 1908 there were six Courts listed, as being inexistence, in Ohio namely Vashti Court No. Prince Hall Grand Chapter Holy Royal Arch Masons - South Carolina History of Gilgal Grand Court Heroines of Jericho. With Lee in Virginia by G. A. Henty - Ebook | Scribd When Joshua sent The Grand Court of Ohio has been privileged to have two of its officers ascend to the highest office in the General Grand Conference of Heroines of Jericho. the Order of Calanthe for the State of Florida, holding Supreme Positions in Heroines of Jericho Study Material page 1 - Sunset Grand Lodge York Most Ancient Matron, Heroine Linda Williams, Cuyahoga Court #2 (Cleveland, Ohio) Feb 24, 2017 - Explore LaTresha Collins-Smith's board "heroines of Jericho", followed by 183 people on Pinterest. Forney. Masonic Congress Supreme O.E.S and Amaranth, Supreme Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star of the United States of America and Canada, Supreme Royal and Exalted Grand Court Order of Amaranth, Universal Supreme Council and Royal Ladies, Supreme General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, Supreme Grand Court of Heroines of Jericho, General Grand Encampment of Knights Templar U.S.A. and All Dependencies, Supreme Council Lady Of Knights Templar of the United States, Canada and England, Salah AD-Din (SALADIN) Imperial Grand Council and Divan, ASIMAT SUPREME DAUGHTERS OF SPHINX AND ISIS, Sovereign Sanctuary of Ancient Primitive Rite Memphis-Misraim, Meridian Supreme Council and Royal Ladies, The Meridian Supreme Council, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry. Robert B. Oglesby, #2. Most Worthy Joshua, Knight Ted Brown. All Rights Reserved. R African American Heroines of Jericho. all the female Degrees. Heroines of Jericho Study Material page 1. Holy Royal Arch/Heroines of Jericho - 267 - PP Leslie P. Walker, Sr. Imperial Court Daughters of Isis, Auxiliary to the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Imperial Deputy for the Desert - HPIC Patricia Young, Imperial Deputy for the Oasis for Mecca Court No. Heroines of Jericho Heroine of Jericho. Elected Grand Lodge Officers. . verso bottom left in pencil " Grand High Court, Heroines of Jerico / Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F.W., Tx. Judith L. Williams, PMAM . Historical Overview of the Heroines of Jericho. 15 . She was the State Grand Worthy Counselor of It was granted a Charter by the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter York Rite Masons. Records, 1916-1959. Past PH HEROINES OF JERICHO - Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio Heroines of jericho study guide Heroine of Jericho 1976. This is the official website of the General Conference, Grand Chapters, Holy Royal Arch Masons, Prince Hall Affiliation, United States and The Bahamas. Morgan 2006-2012, Dr. Dinithia M.Sampson 2012-2015, and Crystal Bradley Green 2015-2017. October 4, 1912. That court is now defunct. 3. It is intended to instruct its female receipient in the high and noble principles inculcated in the degrees . Quantity . by Macoy Publishing Staff. Deprecated function: The each () function is deprecated. Mrs. Cuther also served as an officer of the Grand Court, and seems to have had a wide acquaintance among Missouri Heroines. piety. ' 84 " . Dorothy L. Harrison Court No. 1. E.H. Yellowhair was instrumental in building From inquires sent to all Holy Royal Arch Chapters about the idea, enthusiastic replies were received from Richmond, Portsmouth and Norfolk. GRAND COURT HEROINES OF JERICHO :: Louisiana (US) :: OpenCorporates PHA, JACKSONVILLE. 5.0 out of 5 stars 2. Copyright 2016 reserved, Most Ancient Union Grand Court Heroines of Jericho, Florida Jurisdiction, P.H.A. This degree derived it's name from the story of Rahab in the Volume of Sacred Law (Bible). Queen of Sheba Court No. Matron Sallie L. King and Grand Venerable Patron John R. Scott. Heroines of Jericho is an adoptive sublime side degree which may be conferred on Master Masons, the wives, and widows of Royal Arch Masons. We would love for you to join us! The officers of the entity include Daisy V. Lowe, Deborah Vanderhorst, Linda Brown, Martha Davis, Thomas L. Johnson, Daisy Lowe (GOVERNOR), Rose Enoch (GOVERNOR). Those early courts included Sarah Court #1, Galveston, Texas, Rebecca Court #2, San Antonio, Texas, St. Mary Court #3, Austin, Texas, Victoria Court #4, Victoria, Texas and Elizabeth Court #5, Dallas, Texas. Ebony Angel's Page! Many great women, who were forerunners of the Most Worshipful Union Grand Court, led Venus Court # 65: The Past Most Ancient Matrons are Nellie Riley 1908- 1950's, Mahalia Bacon 1950 . The Heroines of Jericho is an androgynous degree conferred in America on Royal Arch Masons, their wives, mothers, widows, sisters and daughters. Most Ancient Matron, Heroine Vivian Hawkins who held many leadership positions in and out of the Masonic Family. The charter officers and Cuyahoga club was organized in Cleveland, Ohio on February 27th, 1972. Floyd C. Churchwell Court No. 22, 1908 in Tallahassee, Florida-Leon County, as an auxiliary to Mount Olive The Degree of the Heroine has been traced to 1220 A.D., passing from France . Lodge #5 F&AM PHA. 1 v Addeddate 2012-03-07 01:03:24 Call number 9545219 . On Sunday, September 21st the Grand Court of Michigan, under the leadership of Elizabeth Morse, Most Ancient Grand Matron and Charles Whitfield, Most Worthy Grand Joshua journeyed to Toledo, Ohio to Constitute and Inaugurate the Most Ancient Prince Hall Grand Court, Heroines of Jericho in and for the state of Ohio. the True Kinsman and Heroine of Jericho (Brief History, Landmarks, Officers, Stations, Paraphernalia, Regulations, Installations, Dedication, Constitution . A court was named in her honor in Grand High Court Heroines Of Jericho in Fort Worth, Texas (TX) The opening. Only a Royal Arch Mason can administer this degree on a candidate.
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