Sign up free 0:00 0:00 Company About Jobs For the Record Sanger asks if Laura told investigators about an ex-boyfriend of Kristins named Shahn ****, who reportedly set her shoes on fire and left them on her doorstep with a mean note. SEO is not a set-it-and-forget-it kind of deal. Apple PodcastsPreview 1 episode Welcome to Adventures In Your Own Backyard, where Michelle and Harman - two millennial Edmontonians - take you on a journey to the depths of their hometown. 'Your Own Backyard' Podcast Credited For Helping - Oxygen Official Site Cole says that is correct. Enjoy! Sanger says that the court reporter has indicated that certified transcripts will take 60 days to finalize after . Peter says that Kristin Smart attended a concert at the SLO Veterans Hall in the beginning of May 1996 and got into an argument with a guy she was with. Peuvrelle asks Detective Cole why he wrote in his search warrant affidavits that Paul Flores was a suspect. Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Unbound Now Waco. On the record at 10:22am At a chambers conference this morning, an issue was brought to the court's attention regarding potential witnesses not being allowed to stay in the courtroom. Use an Android phone or Google Chrome for desktop? A second way is to transcribe your podcast manually. Around 3am, he says he knocked on Jennifers window a couple of times, before knocking on the window of Room 120 to wake up Jana. Whats the solution? Dec 7, 2022. The Judge sustains Prosecutor Peuvrelles relevance objection. Peuvrelle asks if Defense Exhibit 608 indicates that Ted **** told Detective Henry Stewart that he walked to his dorm with three other individuals that night. Cole says yes. When asked whether he knew Kristin Smart, Janusz responded had a class with her, same dorm. Cole says thats correct. Chris travels to Stockton to meet her parents, Stan and Denise, along with her friends, neighbors, and classmates. Most of the series was him barking up wrong trees (examining men she had dated as suspects). A man from North Carolina vows to keep the Flores family on their toes, and accidentally finds a new way to get their backyard searched in the process. Felipe says the last time he saw Kristin was on Thursday, May 23, 1996, when she spent the night in his room, and left some personal items behind. . Defense Attorney Robert Sanger objects, and says that the knife was a butter knife, and Angie referred to horseplay preceding that incident. For $12 a month, you can get a complete package of tools, including 10 hours of monthly transcription time, unlimited projects, screen recording and tons more features more than enough for the everyday podcaster. . So far, Lambert has produced ten episodes of his podcast "Your Own Backyard" which quickly became one of the most popular podcasts in the country. Sanger reads from Defense Exhibit 607 again. Sanger reads from Defense Exhibit 609. A man from North Carolina vows to keep the Flores family on their toes, and accidentally finds a new way to get their backyard searched in the process. If you want to grow your audience, you need to care about transcripts. Cole says Laura did tell investigators about that. Youll have peace of mind that your transcript will be as accurate as possible. Please let us know how we can improve our content eg is there anything we didn't answer? Subscribe now. . The court reporter tells Judge O'Keefe she can have certified transcripts of the entire trial finalized by January 15th, but transcripts of jury selection will take longer. Where is the final episode?? Chris follows a trail left by a lost piece of evidence, and retraces Paul Flores movements in the years after. Then, just start recording your podcast like you normally would. Lambert has been thrust into the spotlight with the arrests. . A transcript - before anything else - helps listeners with profound or partial hearing loss to enjoy your podcast. Your Own Backyard Chris Lambert Subscribe A documentary podcast series investigating the 1996 disappearance of Cal Poly student, Kristin Smart. People vs. Flores: Weeks 1 and 2 YOUR OWN BACKYARD Cole says yes. OTHER EPISODES IN THIS PODCAST Episode 00: Coming Soon Sept. 20, 2019 Your Own Backyard: The Disappearance of Kristin Smart starts September 30th. Peuvrelle asks if Detective Crawford reported that there is no information to link Scott Peterson to the victim. Susan Flores, the mother of Paul Flores, the sheriff's prime suspect in the investigation into the disappearance of Kristin Smart, spoke to KSBY News on Tuesday for her first-ever media interview. This exclusive embed is not set up for usage on . It gives a word-for-word account of everything everyone said in your episode, with timestamps to indicate when they said it. Your Own Backyard (podcast) - Chris Lambert | Listen Notes Cole says that when interviewed by a local television reporter in March 2021, Susan Flores made inconsistent statements based on his knowledge of the case, including when she found out that Kristin Smart was missing and that Paul was a Person of Interest. 53 posts. Listen to 'Your Own Backyard'. Cole also indicates a wiretapped phone call where Susan Flores told Paul that she wanted him to listen to the podcast to poke holes in it, but stated, Only you would know. Peuvrelle asks if Paul Flores responded to Susan. The point here isnt that youre going to get called out or cancelled for lack of podcast transcriptions. "YOUR OWN BACKYARD" PODCAST: EPISODE 1: It's a cold and cloudy winter afternoon in San Luis Obispo and I'm retracing missing Cal Poly student Kristin Smart's last known steps. He's staying in a one bedroom, one bath guesthouse a few miles north of Salinas that a podcast fan offered up . Subscribe now. A documentary podcast series investigating the 1996 disappearance of Cal Poly student, Kristin Smart. It has widely been credited with. Your Own Backyard: The Disappearance of Kristin Smart starts September 30th. * Data source: directly measured on Listen Notes. Peuvrelle asks Detective Cole to explain the difference between a Person of Interest and a suspect. A documentary podcast series investigating the 1996 disappearance of Cal Poly student, Kristin Smart. Cole says that is correct. He asks Detective Cole if he took this report into consideration when drafting his search warrant affidavits. "Your Own Backyard" podcast creator Chris Lambert will be at an SLO Night Writer's meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 10, at the United Church of Christ of San Luis Obispo, 11245 Los Osos Valley Road. Next, go to the recordings tab. Cole says he does not remember. Thank you for helping to keep the podcast database up to date. I love true crime podcasts and listen to a lot of them. Sanger asks if Cole is aware that the accepted forensic scientific opinion is that cadaver dog alerts can be useful in leading to evidence, but that alerting is not considered evidence. After the April 2021 arrests of Paul Flores and his father, Ruben, Chris recounts the search that led to them, and a timeline of the spot where investigators believe Kristin Smart's body was buried. Download the URL listed under "Source file" to get the actual MP3 that we'll use next. Who is Paul Flores? After the April 2021 arrests of Paul Flores and his father, Ruben, Chris recounts the search that led to them, and a timeline of the spot where investigators believe Kristin Smart's body was buried. The Judge sustains Peuvrelles objection that this is not in evidence. In this guide, weve talked about how to create your own transcripts quickly and easily. Cole says yes. And so, by doing that you can put in your first what I called in a podcast episode 190, your first 'Daily Quickie . Pro-tip: Captivate integrates directly with Descript. They are not verbatim. The Judge sustains Sangers relevance objection for the time being. Trusted by 5,200 companies and developers. Judge van Roo YOUR OWN BACKYARD How Many Episodes In Your Own Backyard Podcast If Kristin Smart is dead, where did her body end up? Your Own Backyard Podcast @YOBPodcast - Cole says they were. Peter says Kristin came across the street to his house to use his telephone, and appeared upset. Kristin Smart: Who is the 'Your Own Backyard" podcaster? | San Luis Cole says that is correct. Sanger introduces Defense Exhibit 619, a San Diego Police Department report on Trent **** regarding a refrigerator he had allegedly stored a dead body in. Peuvrelle objects that Cole is not testifying as a cadaver dog handler, and that he has stated his knowledge was gathered from speaking to handlers. Your Own Backyard Podcast - Listen, Reviews, Charts Disadvantage: Although were impressed with the accuracy of Descripts automated transcription, it wont be 100% accurate. This is a pretty cold-blooded guy. Today on the podcast Im joined by Chris Lambert. Peuvrelle asks if it also indicates that none of Kristin Smarts belongings were missing. The Judge rules that the relevance is fairly minimal, and instructs Sanger to move on. Defense Attorney Robert Sanger cross-examines Detective Clint Cole again. Podcast. Your email address will not be published. Your Own Backyard - True Crime Podcast | Podchaser Your Own Backyard By Chris Lambert SHARE Listen Score LS 77 Global Rank TOP 0.01% ABOUT THIS PODCAST A documentary podcast series investigating the 1996 disappearance of Cal Poly student, Kristin Smart. edit transcripts, Improve the presence of your podcasts, e.g., self-service, If you share your Listen Notes page and at-mention. Your Own Backyard is on Instagram 53 posts on their profile Your Own Backyard on Apple Podcasts Chris recaps the final pre-trial events from the Salinas Courthouse, Chris recaps the week of July 18th and the week of July 25th from the Salinas Courthouse, Terima kasih telah membantu agar basis data podcast tetap terbaru. Your Own Backyard: The Disappearance of Kristin Smart starts September 30th. podcast pages. Alexis Linkletter, Jac Vanek, Billy Jensen, Jimmy Lee Miller, Vincencia Adusei, Peter J. Your Own Backyard: The Disappearance of Kristin Smart starts September 30th. People vs. Flores: Weeks 1 and 2 - Your Own Backyard | Facebook Cole says he did. So many other PRETTY good podcasts will have me very on edge for a season of episodes only to never find the body, solve the case or end the season. He says that Jana **** said she came back to Muir Hall between 12 and 1am and Kristin Smart was not in her dorm room. Your Own Backyard - Podcast - Podtail Peuvrelle asks Detective Cole about Defense Exhibit 614, and whether Kim **** indicated that it would be out of character for Kristin Smart not to return to her dorm room overnight. Detective Kenny reports that he and District Attorney Investigator Bill Hanley interviewed Ted **** on January 11, 2007. Cole says that is correct. Your Own Backyard, a podcast about missing Cal Poly student Kristin Smart, ranked No. Lambert . Sanger notes that Kristin Smart has not turned up alive, and asks Cole if is assuming that she is not alive. Looking for other podcasts like Your Own Backyard When you import a new episode into Captivate from Descript, your automated transcript will import alongside your audio for a super speedy, convenient podcast workflow. The ninth episode of "Your Own Backyard," created by Orcutt resident Chris Lambert and release Tuesday morning, provides new details on the case "just as it begins to wind its way through the. Sanger produces Defense Exhibit 614 (an interview with Kim **** by Sheriffs Detective Steve Crawford on January 16, 1999). Cole says he has spoken to dog handlers, and knows they are trained to alert on human decomposition only. After you've uploaded the episode, Otter will generate a transcript within a few minutes. Descript transcribes simultaneously as you record, which gives you the option of recording and editing segments as you go. Felipe says he knew Kristin Smart, and that they were really good friends. Questions focus on clarifying statements made by other people who the Defense claims should have been suspects, and the considerations made by investigators when drafting search warrant affidavits for Paul Flores. After claiming your Listen Notes podcast pages, you will be able to: Respond to listener comments on Listen Notes, Use speech-to-text techniques to transcribe your show and Reviews of Your Own Backyard - Chartable And this always haunted Chris Lambert. Sanger asks Cole if the interviews of Laura **** (Defense Exhibit 605) and Shahn **** (Defense Exhibit 606) were available to law enforcement at the time that they filed search warrant affidavits related to the case. Sanger claims that the Ted **** had sex with Jana **** in Kristin Smarts room that night. From your Otter dashboard, click the "Import audio/video" button and select the file you downloaded in the previous step.
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