You may be more imaginative, and this . Mercury Conjunct Natal Neptune It is a good time to express your ideas and feelings and your artistic expression will be heightened. Use it. Its not a good time to make important decisions because you can be misinformed about the details. Also be careful about the truthfulness of any communication you receive as others may be trying to deceive you. They give a special liveliness to your creative imagination and its expression. Your ego is diminished and so is your ambition. There are three basic kinds of conjunctions transit Mercury can make to natal Mercury. But be warned, unless you actively seek out the positive side of the Mercury-Neptune transit, you might be shown the negative side. The influx of psychic and material information, Depending on the whole natal chart, strong inclination to psychicness and working with the ethereal. They love poetry and the cinema as well, especially since they seem to simply love expressing themselves through images and interpreting them. Clarity in conveying information may become important during this cycle, and understanding accurately what others say can avoid misunderstandings. Ask them to confirm. Transiting Neptune conjunct your natal Mercury. first day of fall September 2022, How does the winter solstice affect astrology? Although there is a positive side to the transit of Neptune in conjunction to your natal Mercury, it is quite difficult to handle because the logical side of your brain gets clouded by a nebulous fog. People born during Mercury conjunct Neptune transit are generous, easy to impress and big dreamers. When transiting Neptune is conjunct your natal Sun: This transit is likely to make you feel like you are invisible. System Wide Map. Fraud is possible in your accounts now so keep a close watch. You feel drained and may just pass the time doing nothing. . These rarer conjunctions represent opportunities for social or cultural events that may offer insight into the ways that generational or cultural forces and ideals shape your world and additional ability to become a personal exemplar of these. Get report personalized to your birth now. This is why its essential to heal and not bury your psychological and emotional wounds. Most astrologers nowadays regard the term 'prediction' as something of a misnomer, as modern astrology does not claim to directly predict future events as such. How To Use Daily Numerology To Help You Break Free Of Recurring Cycles, Venus enters Gemini (May 8th) | Heres Who Needs To Be Careful In Love, 555 Angel Number: The #1 Thing You Need To Do To Harness The New Beginning Power of Repeating 5s, 7 Keys Dates in May That Will Bring Trailblazing Energy Into Your Life & Make You Feel Like A Total Rockstar. Mercury square Neptune natal can have a strange effect on your mind. March 2, 2025 These natives are perceiving images and can interpret any symbol in a more accurate manner than theyre understanding any tradition or communication form, no matter if spoken or put on paper. So it is vital for you not to meddle in mind-altering substances, especially those with irreversible effects, especially alcohol and weed high in thc, are not your friends. To Get Your Weekly Cosmic Update, EnterYour Details Below Each week, we'll send you your guide to the most remarkable and mystifying cosmic events of the week (& other goodies! These transits favor the study of mystical, spiritual or metaphysical subjects, since you understand studied subjects better when you experience them at the same time. You may be dealing with someone dishonest. Technical support In an invigorating way, you can transport others into a vision of themselves and their current world. It analyzes and organises and defines the way we interact with others. You are apt at picking up verbal and non-verbal cues in your environment; you can also have a natural presence of being highly intuned with the unseen and higher truths of life. This transit stimulates the tendency to unreal fantasies and obsessing with strange ideas. I have this for my solar return at 0 degrees, A lot of Absent mindness and forgetting stuff. In its highest manifestation, this transit gives accurate psychic perception at all levels, with unbiased processing of this spiritual information. Scandal in career is possible. Also, make so you learn to state your intentions clearly, and be aware that other people may try and deceive you also. Only because a soul is living in the psychic realms doesnt mean they are entirely wise or pure, after all. Log in and select a UPS account to receive the most accurate . If youre selling, make an official agreement or contract. This description applies for any of these transits: The transit of Neptune square to your natal Mercury signifies hazy communications. With Neptune conjunct Mercury, lines between fact and fiction, reality, and revelation often blur for you. It would be useless for people to try and explain themselves, during the day of this transit. You may discover secrets while you learn things about the hidden aspects of the mind. It also depends your natal Mercury. Seeking kindred but grounded and aware people is essential when you have Mercury conjunct Neptune; you often have to walk alone for a while to live your truth. Sun In Libra Astrology: Is Sun in Libra good, What does it mean to have Sun in Scorpio? Shadow Work: What Does It Mean To Do Shadow Work? You have a powerful urge to escape reality and daydream, and it might be hard to focus on more trivial concerns of your daily life. Do you have a Mercury-Neptune contact? You may develop an interest in music, poetry or literature (particularly fantasy novels). If lord of the 5th, it is a good time to express yourself through music or poetry as your imagination and creativity in this area are higher. They may need to get together with those who arent honest and manipulative, or they should be tempted to put the truth in shadows and avoid confrontations, even when lies are being revealed. var d=new Date();var n=d.toLocaleDateString();var t=d.toLocaleTimeString();document.write(n + "
" + t); .path{fill:none;stroke:#333;stroke-miterlimit:10;stroke-width:1.5px;}, Copyright ANCIENTFUTUREVISION 2018-2023, This website uses cookies to improve your experience. You tend to show greater sensitivity in what you perceive as well as what you share. Its essential to separate high imagination from logic, and vice versa, do all you can to steady the mind and train it, so there is only ever one clear thought in your mind at any one time. It's likely you saw things in consensual reality that you wish you could unsee or had never seen. These people need to use their managerial skills and logic in order to communicate greatly with others and not allow their creativity or mystical links to expire. In either case, a clearer sense of personal, social, cultural, and historical boundaries is necessary and helpful for you to navigate day-to-day experience. The higher octave of Neptune is all about unconditional love, divine guidance, connecting with the universe, spirituality. These are opportunities for major insights and adjustments into the ways that imagination, fantasy, or artistic expression affect your inner life. If youre buying something, ask for a guarantee. My readings weave together planetary symbolism, asteroids myths and Sabian symbols. Your mind is likely more pliable now than usual, which can increase the range of your interests. Many can get involved in all kinds of intrigues and deal with secret matters, whereas its important for morals to be maintained and for morals to be avoided, as well as slanders. Astrology is a wonderful tool that . and also did you wear any high heeled red shoes with that or ? 9 / 10. Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. You may feel like there is nothing for you to do now. But I have been doing a lot of creative visualizations, they help. Beware of your trait to misjudge and get the wrong idea about situations, information, and people. If this practice continues, though, it's likely for wholly selfish and even deceptive reasons. If someone is contradicting these natives and says theyre unrealistic, they may have some serious problems later in life, become sensitive as theyd just pick up the feelings of everyone around them. When this transit is expressing itself negatively, every thought and words are becoming twisted and misconceived, irrational, confused, fearful and paranoid. Not understanding matters regarding issues related to everyday matters are important to discover because people cant find it hard to say what theyre thinking. This will avoid disappointments. As a result of ambiguity, misreading can occur, and many assumptions may lead to false ideas. Find out important dates in 2023 that can be a improve your relationships, career opportunities and health considerations. When transiting Neptune is conjunct your natal Mercury: During this time communications are likely to be deceitful and confusing. Ask for clarification. Mercury conjunct Neptune in the natal chart can make you more sensitive to your surroundings, but this depends on all aspects of your natal chart. How to Handle The Curveballs of Eclipse Season & Stay Fierce As Hell! You may want to explore mystical and extrasensory topics. Be extra careful if you have to sign contracts or make agreements or decisions because hidden factors could arise to complicate things. Do not become selective about the information you share to avoid the repercussions, stating half-truths always bring, as whats hidden in the dark, comes to light eventually. You may have mystical or metaphysical experiences. During normal direct motion (not near a station) transit, Mercury makes quick one-hit conjunctions to natal Neptune that happen yearly and represent an opportunity for imagination, fantasy, or artistic expression to enter the daily life and provide insight into generational or cultural themes. When it comes to the realities in their mind, they can be agitated, not to mention they have the tendency to misjudge and misinterpret the most suggestive pieces of information. Celebrities: Martin Luther, Tatum ONeal, Robert Redford, Demi Moore, Julio Iglesias, Maria Shriver, Alyssa Milano, Meg Ryan, Neil Armstrong. If you lie or misrepresent yourself now, others would likely find out. During that time it affects your mental outlook, communications with others, and urges to take trips. Transiting Mercury conjunct Neptune can also impact your thinking and communications positively or negatively. Your public image is misunderstood and takes on a life of it's own. Mercury takes about 88 days to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. If Youve Seen Any of These Number Patterns Then Lifes About To Get Better! You will likely see, hear, or notice with other senses things that most others do not. Learn to control any clairvoyance ability and be honest in all your dealings, especially relationship and business partnerships. When communicating with others, be careful to express yourself clearly and never assume that they have understood you. Unclear ideas and confused thoughts can produce problems in your life at this time. Relatives, siblings and neighbors tend to misunderstand you. We don't collect your IP address. Check out the Free online Tarot readings using this deck on the AstroMatrix app. There can be a multi-generational and or cross-cultural component to these irrational fears where the thought patterns of ancestors who were victims may still be playing out, and the lack of proper context for them may be confusing or bewildering. Transiting Mercury conjunct natal Mercury, Transiting Mercury conjunct natal Jupiter, Transiting Mercury conjunct natal Neptune, Transiting Mercury opposite natal Mercury, Transiting Mercury opposite natal Jupiter, Transiting Mercury opposite natal Neptune, Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Mercury, Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Jupiter, Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Neptune, Transiting Jupiter opposite natal Mercury, Transiting Jupiter opposite natal Jupiter, Transiting Jupiter opposite natal Neptune, Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Mercury, Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Jupiter, Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Neptune, Transiting Neptune opposite natal Mercury, Transiting Neptune opposite natal Jupiter, Transiting Neptune opposite natal Neptune, Los Avoid having loose morals and starting illicit liaisons; even small white lies will still be exposed. It is not that you must suspect everyone and everything. What Is A Waxing Crescent Moon? A greater understanding of the personal ideals and the way they are either serving or frustrating is also possible. When you have natal Mercury conjunct Neptune, you can be influenced by the opinions and words of other people. Transiting Pisces Moon. I have a special someone with this and its really hard to get that hidden Moon out. Most fixed-route buses have a low-floor design for easier boarding, all fixed routes include audio announcements and welcome service, and curb-to-curb services are also available. Your intuition and your rational intellect are working together during this time. Neptune Conjunct: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Midheaven, Ascendant. Youre not very sure of what youre thinking, or you adopt ideas that you normally would consider impractical. Meaning what you convey, so that the intent and the words are congruent, can have a powerful impact upon others, and listening carefully to any disparity between what you hear or read and the purpose behind it can help you make the right choices. Drawing others who seek deeper meanings in life to you, making you highly creative, can make you prone to self-destructive and addictive tendencies due to information overload. This is usually a time to let go of meticulousness since it may prove impossible to catch everything. I know somebody who passed his driving test when transiting Neptune was exactly trine his natal Mercury (which relates to getting around including driving). Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. However, you are likely to become severely disillusioned later on when you realize your partner is not what you imagined him or her to be. Neptune Retrograde : What does it mean when Neptune is in retrograde? This transit occurs only once or twice in an average life span. Their intuition would be open and more accepting, so this time is perfect for spiritual achievements and creative activities. Also be careful about the truthfulness of any communication you receive as others may be trying to deceive you. Neptune Conjunct Sun Transit The world suddenly seems to have a hazy glow and softness to it. You can misunderstand others, and they can misunderstand you. Mercury takes about 88 days to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. When it comes to their career, they need to express their personal thoughts and to write, take photos or make movies, anything with rich content. View all Maps & Schedules by Route. Your mental qualities are being tested and it's very difficult to communicate on the same page with others. Contact us. No, I'm kidding. So, these transits favor some types of mental activity and worsen others. During the retrograde time transiting Mercury could make 3 contacts with the natal planet. The best part is you are able to ask any specific questions you have. With your imagination running hot, your psychic abilities are also given a boost. The shadow side of Mercury Conjunct Neptune looks like deceit, lies and poisonous tactics, so beware! The first, and most common, is the yearly passage of a fast (not near a station) and direct Mercury. 2023 will bring powerful changes as Saturn will be moving into Pisces in March! Then it's easy to lose sight of simple and common aspects of your life, like your keys, passwords, sense of time, or anything else that most mature people must manage daily. New Moon meaning in astrology : When is the next new moon? Neptune transits conjunct Mercury Your thinking process becomes more animated, imaginative, and spirited during this transit. Unclear ideas and confused thoughts can produce problems in your life at this time. After a person/soul, serious inner work, giving up your base desires and working to improve your character, you dont just die- leave a spiritual body and become all-knowing; this is not the way it works. But one other extreme manifestation is that you have an ability to tap into "other realms." Moon Transit Aries : What does the moon being in Aries mean? You might also feel misunderstood or paranoid, although these states of mind will soon pass, and you can return to your old self soon. Right now, you cannot easily tell what is a delusion and what is real. But, this is a great day to engage in projects that involve creativity or imagination. You can use your psychic ability to heal yourself and others; you know how to touch your own and others deep inner core positively. A requisite for this cycle is honesty in all your dealings, not only in your interactions with others, but also in the information they supply to you. Those who are more sensitive to their surroundings are more interested and influenced by serious words and the opinions of many. The text below is the interpretation of Mercury transit when Conjunct Neptune Mercury Conjunct Neptune More sensitive to the surroundings, you are particularly influenced by the words and opinions of others. More than this, this tendency of theirs can have them becoming true escapists and to avoid pain by not getting involved in anything. This applies to both your . You will receive an email within 24 hours please check spam folder. Others should like hanging around you, as you know . Others also seem to leave out important facts. Significance. A tendency to self-deception, being deceived or deceiving others is quite normal for this period. Faith and reason are in a state of equilibrium. Neptune conjunct midheaven transit Strong need to become less materialistic or egotistic; however, it's best to let go of old habits slowly instead of drastically abandoning them. The conjunction between Mercury and Neptune takes place at the mind level and has an effect over the imagination, as well as how people are appreciating life through their mental focus. This also applies to your general sensitivity because you will pick up the feeling of those around you, even being weakened and debilitated if you are in a negative environment for a long time. Misunderstandings are also common since you find it hard to say the things you are thinking. You might need to compete with dishonest or confusing people, or you might be tempted to cover the truth to prevent a confrontation; the chance of obsession, mistrust, gossip, and humiliation are strong during this mercury conjunct Neptune transit. What you see may not be that imaginary at all. You are now more likely to be confused than ever.